Sunday, August 19, 2018

sixteenth meeting (semester 2)

Today UAS :)

fifteenth meeting (semester 2)

Today is the fifteenth meeting. I asked Him if he taught us today and he told me today was Mr. Zul's day not him. And when the class starts, Mr. Zul and Ms. Rella comes together. And indeed, what is taught today is Ms. Rella. Before starting the class, Mrs. Rella told us who wanted to present their Roefl book. And nobody answers and has the initiative to present their Toefl book today. Ms. Rella became a little angry today because there was nothing serious about English lessons. And then after no one responds, Ms. Rella moved away from the problem to discuss Tenses again. After finishing it, Ms. Rella reminded us about what tasks we had to complete on the Exam day. We have to keep updating the diaries in each of our blogs, and send 15 songs in accordance with the number of meetings in semester 2, and send a video presentation via e-mail or CD and given to Ms. Rella or Mr. Zul. And finally, Ms. Rella said sorry about what she did to us at 1-2 Semester because maybe in the next semester there were no more English courses. Very sad ... We will miss you Ms & Sir. Thank you for your patience to teach us and hopefully the next beginner 18 is not as difficult as we are.

fourteenth meeting (semester 2)

today is the fourteenth percentage, Today is Robby and Rifan's group to present their Toefl assignments. And as usual a few weeks ago, Mr. Zul asked everyone one by one that it was correct to format their Toefl book or not and how that could be true. everyone is very busy today, doing their other duties, or playing cellphones while being asked one by one by Mr. Zul. Therefore, it will be very tired waiting. everyone of course hates waiting so long.

thirteenth meeting (semester 2)

this is the thirteenth meeting, today Mr. Zul comes and asks if anyone wants to hand over their Toefl or not. But it seems there is still no one ready, even though they have more than one month and have a lot of free time for them and still don't use them well. So today, Mr. Zul gave us a sheet of other Toefl exams and to correct them. and Mr. Zul asked us one by one whether it was right or not and gave the answer why.

twelfth meeting (semester 2)

this is the twelfth meeting, Today is the first day of entering English courses after a fasting and Eid holiday more than 1 month. I think, today the presentation will only continue because it feels like it's still carried away by the long holiday air so it still feels lazy to start a new lesson hehe ... but, it turns out today is a trial toefl trial from Mr. Zul. and my God, I suddenly forgot what I learned in another toefl presentation meeting. But today Mr. Zul entered the room with Office Boy and Mr. Zul said that OB replaced it. You might say it's a charm of luck, maybe yes maybe not. Luckily because you can cheat in the exam, Shit to keep taking the Toefl exam.

eleventh meeting (semester 2)

this is the eleventh meeting, In Indonesia (especially in Tangerang), Today is the day for people to choose the next Mayor (in other provinces they choose the governor or mayor in 2018). So, Today is a National Holiday. They have no activities at the College (for my College, I don't know for every college in other places).

tenth meeting (semester 2)

Today is the tenth meeting and will present Aghnia Anggraini and Ana Farianti. Just like other groups in the past few weeks. Everyone was asked one by one whether the questions from Nia and Ana were correct or not.

ninth meeting (semester 2)

Today is the ninth meeting, presentations from Ega Mahendra and Sandikatama Windu groups. Just like the other groups in the past few weeks. Everyone was asked one by one whether the questions from Ega and Sandika were correct or not. And today we were taught by Mr. Zul.

eighth meeting (semester 2)

at this eighth meeting. The problem in the Middle Test now is from the structure test on the Toefl Book. Mr. Zul asked us to put the reason why you chose the answer. But many of my friends don't write it down. but I, almost everything is done but not 'at all' (?) Because the time was successful it became difficult to answer without using a dictionary. The problem is, my English only knows and understands, but it's hard to express some opinions.

seventh meeting (semester 2)

Today UTS :)

sixth meting (semester 2)

Today, the first group should present their Toefl book but only Bagas are coming today because Adhi has their data but maybe he is late. So Ms. Rella continues her teaching and waits for Adhi to come. Today our topic is TENSES. To be honest, the word form is my weakness in learning English. Almost when I was in school until now. Tenses has 16 types and all of them almost have the same name and the same as their 'formula'. That's my problem with the word form. But Ms. Rella gave us a trick to make it simple and easy to memorize. A few minutes passed and Adhi came and the first group started their presentation. unfinished presentation, but Ms. Rella stops them and tells them why they're still in trouble with their Toefl book and Ms. Rella told them to fix it. And Ms. Rella asks everyone in the class not to get the same mistake as Adhi's group again. And the English class for the day is over.

fifth meeting ( semester 2 )

The first group to present their Toefl duties does not come today. And who replaces them is the second group (dona and nindi). They look good work of the task they do also appreciated by Mr. Zul

fourth meeting ( semester 2 )

Today Mr. Zul is absent again because he is very busy and Ms. Rella replaced it. Finally we met again Ms, after completing the exam semester 1 ago. Ms. Rella discusses how to compile the Toefl book Mr. Zul gave us. In the book there is a text with some paraghrap and we all have people to read it. I asked Ms.Rella about my assignment was true or not and Ms. Rella said it was wrong in the part of the structure. He told me to fix it. Similar to last semester, we had to write a diary on our blog about our activities in an English session once a week. And we have to record our sounds singing the song once a week every meeting.

third meeting ( semester 2 )

Today the lecturer in this class is Mr. Zul. Mr. Zul repeats what we will learn in this semester (as in the first meeting or first diary). And Pak Zul told us how low the interest of Indonesians to 'read' in ASEAN. After telling about how low the interest of Indonesians to read, Mr. Zul asked us 'why did you choose civil engineering'. Some people answer: because of the orders from their parents, or because it takes a lot of graduates and decent fees if you become an engineer, or because continuing what they learned from their high school, or because it is their own interest.

second meeting ( semester 2 )

A week ago Mr. Zul tells us if next week he is not present it means he goes to Nepal and maybe the one who replaces him is Ms. Rella but today Ms. rella told me she could not come to teach us because she is still promoting tourism majors to other high schools in Tangerang etc. So nobody teaches us and we only use this time to waste our time playing games or doing assignments from other professors and just writing a list of signatures of students in attendance.

first meeting ( semester 2 )

Today is Wednesday and the first day of the English course in semester 2. Our lecturer today is Mr. Zalzulifa or Mr. Zul, our real English professor. because Ms. Rella is only her assistant when she is too busy. The morning class does not recognize her as the night class, so Mr. Zul introduces himself immediately and continues what we learned in this semester. Mr. Zul told us we should have a blog and connect to his website. so what we learned in this semester is about Toefl in Civil Engineering. And yes we meet again with Toefl, after a few years ago. This toefl is not the same as the other test toefl. Usually we only do the test but now we have to make a book about Toefl in civil engineering. But we only make structures and tests read instead of with writing tests and listening tests. Today we created a group to create this book. One group with 2 people. And today Feru Zabadi and muhammad danu erlangga

Friday, January 26, 2018

the task of making a story in a picture

my name is doni setiawan. you can call me doni. I was born in Jakarta, August 17, 1989. I am 29 years old now. I live in Bandung. I graduated in 2012. I went to majoring in civil engineering at UGM. My hobby is drawing. I am married 24 years old. my wife named rina. my wife married 22 years old. 2 years younger than me. my wife is studying at UGM majoring in pharmacy. and now my wife works in one of the largest dubbed hospitals. I have twins. they are very funny. I'm glad when I came home because I saw my twins get rid of fatigue, especially work. my 2 year old son, still very small. I work in a company project conceived. my position on the project as a builder. working in the field take a lot of risks.

Sixteenth meeting of 24 January

Today is the final exam of the semester, Miss Rella asks to collect duties but nothing has been done yet. Because it is still confused what is collected in the plastic folder. Then, Miss Rella repeated what she had to put up and set a 3 day deadline to collect all the tasks.

Fifteenth meeting of 10 January 18

Today the material is lattice about the final exam of the semester, because next week is the final exam of the semester. Miss Rella gave the picture and told the students to analyze the picture. Telling pictures given using simple past tenses and simple present tenses. And give any stage to fit, create a story with at least 20 sentences.

Fourteenth Meeting of 6 January 18

Today is the turn of the clock which is the time of day off, the material is the presentation of the drafter. And my advanced group, I am alma as a moderator. Adhi, rifan, subhan and fajri as speakers. After the presentation is done continue conversation forward and assessed. Then miss Rella told to upload on each blog.


Nindi : Hai
Alma : Hello
Nindi : What's your name ?
Alma : my name is Alma, and you ? 
Nindi : my name is Nindi, by the way what do you do ?
Alma : I work as surveyor, and you ?
Nindi : I work as drafter. what does a surveyor do Alma ?
Alma : surveyor is working with polygon measurement, tachnometry measurement and measurement of planimetris
Nindi : it's good job Alma
Alma : thank you Nindi, and what about your work ?
Nindi : I work by creating project drawings, analyzing images, and explaning to field implementers
Alma : so, you should be able to draw Nindi !
Nindi : yes sure ! if I can not draw it, the picture will be finished Alma
Alma : ok, good luck Nindi ! see you, I hope to meet in one project with you
Nindi : surely Alma, also see you in one project later. be careful on your way home Alma !
Alma : ok Nindi ! nice to meet you
Nindi : nice to meet you too Alma

Thirteenth meeting of January 3, 2018

Today the material is about conversation. Students are asked to make conversations in pairs. Ask the job and explain how the job works. His work is related to civil engineering. And forward in pairs next week.


( kontraktor )
( gedung )
( membangun )


( jalan raya )
( memperbaiki )


( jembatan )
( membuat )


( pengairan )
( merencanakan )


( batu bata )
( menyusun )


( semen )
( mengaduk )


( beton )
( mengecor )


( kawat )
( memotong )


( pipa )
( memasang )


( kabel )
( menghubungkan)


( kayu )
( menggergaji )


( pasir )
( mencampur )

( konseptor )
( sekop )
( menggulingkan )

( perancang )
( gambar )
( menggambar )


( kertas )
( mencetak )

blue print

( cetak biru )
( menyalin )

( pengukur )
( tanah )
( mengukur )


( hujan )
( menghitung )


( uang )
( membayar )